Ahsaas Channa, a rising star in Bollywood, is an Indian actress. She has worked in many movies such as Vaastu Shastra, Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, My Friend Ganesha, Phoonk. Ahsaas is shining in Bollywood now because of her work in “Girliyapa,” “Hostel Daze,” and “Kota Factory.” Ahsaas Personal Information Ahsaas was born on 5 Aug 1999 in Jalandhar, Punjab, in a Sikh family. Her father, Iqbal Bahadur Singh Channa, is a Punjabi film producer, and her mother, Kulbir Kaur Badesron, is a Punjabi film actress.
Ahsaas has only one elder sister and no brother. Ahsaas Channa is 160 cm(5 feet 3 inches) tall. She did her Senior Secondary from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan A.H Wadia High School, Mumbai. Channa is fond of traveling, swimming, reading. She also learned Kathak when she was in high school. Her favorite singers are Justin Beiber, Selena Gomez; her favorite actors are Ranbir Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, her favorite actress is Sridevi. Her favorite sport is football; and favorite foods are burgers, French fries, Chicken, Chocolate Cake. She has no boyfriend; she said that she is focused on her career and wants to work in bollywod films as an actress and She is inspired by the students of Kota and learned to give her best to everything she does in life. Some lesser known facts about Ahsaas Channa Ahsaas Channa started her career as a child actor playing a role in Vaastu Shastra when she was just four years old.
Although Ahsaas is a girl, she has played the role of boy in most of her films as child artist, including ‘Vastu Shaastra’ as Rohan, ‘Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna’ as Arjun, ‘My friend Ganesha’ as Ashu, etc.